“If you use the power to laugh, you use the power to think.”
By practising laughter as yoga, by taking your awareness inside and feeling the inner changes brought about by your laughter practice, you experience peace, joy and vitality. You might also feel healthy, positive and empowered. And you will definitely feel more alive and mindful. It makes you appreciate every-day life with all its opportunities and lessons. You will meet people in a different way and if you smile at them, they will smile back at you.
The skill of laughing can be learnt by moving, breathing and smiling. You don’t need a reason to laugh, in fact, if you are going through a difficult patch, it is all the more liberating. All it takes is a willingness to let go a little of the stories in your head, the resentments from the past and the worries about the future. By laughing we trigger the brain into a feel-good state. We can feel better without drugs or addictive behaviour.
Immediate benefits of laughing:
- Reduces stress
- Relieves chronic pain
- Boosts the immune system
- Decreases anxiety, depression and insomnia
- Improves breathing and circulation
- Reduces inflammation in the body
- Burning body fat
- Reduces anger
- Enhances communication and social skills
- Increases vitality
- Improves self-esteem
- Gives a positive outlook on life
Watch out! It is infectious! You will be surrounded by positive people!
Laughter yoga is held every last Thursday of the month at The Soul Spa, 2 Hetling Court, Bath, BA1 1SH from 6 – 7 pm – £ 12. Call me on 07989 674144 to book your place.